12 Actions to Take in Defence of Water

12 Actions to Take in Defence of Water

Let's make 2018 a year of action in defence of our most precious resource - WATER.Water is under threat and facing abuse from all sides: from giant corporations stealing groundwater to bottle and sell it for profit to unsustainable fishing practices that are destroying the balance of life under the waves to excessive plastic waste choking our oceans. Here are 12 actions you can take - one for every month of the year if you like! - in defence of water. 

10 Holiday Gifts for the Water-Lover on Your list

10 Holiday Gifts for the Water-Lover on Your list

The Holidays are fast approaching, and like you, we have some passionate water warriors on our list! What are the best gifts of 2017 for water-lovers, you ask? We've saved you some time and compiled a list below of gifts that will not only inspire, but also support water awareness and preservation initiatives.

Make waves under the Christmas tree with these 10 gifts that will make a splash with the water-lover in your life:

Pipeline perils in the Peruvian Amazon

Pipeline perils in the Peruvian Amazon

As always, Jean Ann shares links about things we want to know about. This provocative short video shows how pipelines are as much an issue in the Peruvian Amazon as here.

Stephanie Boyd, a Canadian filmmaker and storyteller, has lived in Peru for nearly 20 years. This year the Amazon rivers near her have seen 13 pipeline spills, leaving entire communities without drinking water or fish protein. She's trained local radio producers in filmmaking, and together they're working to tell this story.