Humans have pushed oceans to their absolute limit, warns report

I still recall the eye-opening I experienced the first time I heard Alanna Mitchell give a presentation based on her groundbreaking book,  Sea Sick: The Global Ocean in Crisis (Emblem, 2010) As someone who grew up beside the Atlantic ocean, the granddaughter of Newfoundland. fishing folk, I was somewhat aware of the serious issues faced by both humans and other species whose lives depended on the ocean, but what I learned that day and from reading her book awakened a whole new understanding of the critical role the ocean plays in the life of Earth and all her creatures. Now a new study, Explaining Ocean Warming: Causes, Scale, Effects and Consequences (Sept. 2016), published by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, is an even more urgent wakeup call.

See the article below for an introduction and links to the study.

"The effect of climate change on the world's oceans has been understudied, a recent report from the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) finds, and it is far worse than many scientists and politicians had previously thought.

We all know the oceans sustain this planet," said Inger Andersen, IUCN's director general, to National Geographic, "yet we are making the oceans sick."  Read on...