Humans have pushed oceans to their absolute limit, warns report

Humans have pushed oceans to their absolute limit, warns report

I still recall the eye-opening I experienced the first time I heard Alanna Mitchell give a presentation based on her groundbreaking book, Sea Sick: The Global Ocean in Crisis  (Emblem, 2010) As someone who grew up beside the Atlantic ocean, the granddaughter of Newfoundland fishing folk, I was somewhat aware of the serious issues faced by both humans and other species whose lives depended on the ocean . . .

Great Lakes are warming more than twice as fast as the oceans, new study says

Great Lakes are warming more than twice as fast as the oceans, new study says

How vividly I still recall  the mnemonic "HOMES"  we used in grade school geography class as a way of remembering the names of Canada's Great Lakes! And how much more profound this seems now, as we realize  that indeed, they are, for many of us, our HOMES! I invite you to bring that understanding to your reading of this article from the Toronto Star. . . .